If you are reading this blog, you probably already know how to play euchre and have your own version of some sort of strategy. Here are a few links that explain the game of euchre and some common strategies that people use.
The Best Site for Beginners to Learn how to Play Euchre
A Basic -Learn how to play Euchre- site
A Basic -Learn Euchre strategy- site
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Here is the number one rule of thumb that I always play by, whether I am using my cheating system or not. When it is your turn to lead, ALWAYS PLAY YOUR HIGHEST NON-TRUMP CARD. The only exceptions to this rule are: you have only trump cards left in your hand, you know for sure that your partner doesn't have any trump left, or you have a loner hand and you need to lead trump to disarm your opponents. I've played with many people over the years who think it is smart to lead trump, especially if they are the ones who called it. I've even just recently read strategy tips online that say it is smart to lead trump in order to disarm your opponent. The problem with this strategy is that you not only disarm your opponents, but your partner as well. By leading trump, your partner is forced to play his trump on the same trick. This is a waste of trump. You are better off leading an off suit and hoping that your partner can get the trick. You will always have the chance to use your trump later in the hand. Even if you have both bowers, it is better to lead an off suit and hope that your partner is able to play trump and win the trick. Having both bowers, you know that you are going to win two tricks no matter what. They might as well be the last two tricks. Give your partner a chance. By doing this, you better your chances of winning all five tricks and gaining two points instead of just one.
You should now be able to clearly see how using this simple rule of thumb, combined with my Super Euchre Cheat System, can be extremely beneficial to any player with half a brain. By knowing how many trump your partner has at all times, you will be able to play your cards in the most advantageous way each hand.